House representatives use climate denialism to attack Lula and support Bolsonaro
By: Lupa
By: Lupa
The rhetoric that global warming is a facade was used as a conspiratorial narrative by congresspeople on Facebook to criticize the actions of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Out of the 25 environment-related posts made by congresspeople that most engaged in 2023 — the year that comes to an end as the hottest in the last 125 thousand years — six of them expressed skepticism about climate change in general and insinuated that it was just a 'weapon' used by the left to criticize the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL). This is what the unprecedented survey produced by the Democracy Reporting International, within the Media and Democracy project, says. The initiative is in partnership with Lupa.
Congressperson Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) even posted in February that "the so-called 'climate change' - previously touted as global warming" was a backdrop for "authoritarian people like Lula to take over your freedom, forcing you and your family to live as he wants."